Well you cant really seperate or align the text for others to view unless a chr command is entered other wise.. no go

for the char command just add $chr(416) << i believe this is empty space im about 95% sure

so use or do this has an example to your channel..

//say $chr(416) $chr(416) $chr(416) $chr(416) $chr(416) $chr(416) $chr(416) hi

make sure to include both slashes before say otherwise youll be pasting the text itself in channel rather the performing the $chr command action

use more $chr(416) has you go hope this is what your sorta looking for..

it will create a large space as much as you need between text not only through your eyes but others too

im almost sure though your requesting more along the lines of actually aligning all like from here to here and there to there..

IM not sure if the post will allow to show you what i think you mean but here it goes

<dave> hi I love to do fishing
and I love to golf.

instead of <dave> hi I love to do fishing and I love to golf.

or <dave> hi I love to do fishing
and I love to play golf