No problem.

Btw, I made a small change to prevent errors if the bot/person with the script isn't op'd. I put this into the devoice version. I improved it a bit more and added it here. I made it sound "funny" if the bot isn't an op. Feel free to change the text output that you use.

on *:text:!5050:[color:red]#yourchan[/color]: {
  [color:green]; Create the table for scores and set it to load/save automatically so no data loss will occur.[/color]
  if ($hget(Game) == $null) {
    hmake Game 50
    hload Game 5050.txt
    .timerGame -o 0 10 hsave Game 5050.txt
  [color:green]; Check the random number 1 or 2.  If it's a 1, kick or kick/ban them.[/color]
  if ($rand(1,2) == 1) {
    [color:green]; Count the number of kicks and add them to the hash table.[/color]
    hadd Game $+($nick,.kicks) $calc($hget(Game,$+($nick,.kicks)) + 1)
    [color:green]; If the number of kicks is divisible by 5, ban and kick the person for 5 minutes.[/color]
    if ($calc($hget(Game,$+($nick,.kicks)) % 5) == 0) {
      if ($me isop $chan) {
        ban -ku300 $chan $nick You have lost the 50/50 and suffer a 5 minute ban.
      else {
        msg $chan You have lost the 50/50 and would have suffered a 5 minute ban if I was an op.
    [color:green]; If the number of kicks isn't divisible by 5, just kick the person.[/color]
    elseif ($me isop $chan) {
      kick $chan $nick You lost the 50/50.
    else {
      msg $chan You lost the 50/50 and would have been kicked if I was an op.
  [color:green]; If the random number is 2, give points.[/color]
  else {
    [color:green]; Add points to the hash table.[/color]
    hadd Game $+($nick,.points) $calc($hget(Game,$+($nick,.points)) + 1)
    msg $chan You have won the 50/50 and received 1 point for a total of $hget(Game,$+($nick,.points)) points.

[color:green]; Allow viewing scores with !won (to see your own) or !won nick (to see a nick's points).[/color]
on *:text:!won*:[color:red]#yourchan[/color]: {
  if ($2 != $null) {
    if ($hget(Game,$+($2,.points)) != $null) {
      msg $chan $2 has won $hget(Game,$+($2,.points)) points in the 50/50.
    else {
      msg $chan $2 has not won any points in the 50/50.
  else {
    if ($hget(Game,$+($nick,.points)) != $null) {
      msg $chan You have won $hget(Game,$+($nick,.points)) points in the 50/50.
    else {
      msg $chan You have not won any points in the 50/50.

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