Er, that /ban -k, will not effectively kick the nick. It should ban the nick, but unless you specify a nick, it won't be kicked. /ban -k # $nick 2

As for this particular post, I looked at his user profile and what network he uses. The idents there don't seem to use your normal ident (since mine showed up as "guest"). Furthermore, he is correct about the limit. $address($nick,5) does cut the ident off.

However, as The_Mega mentioned, you can get the "full" ident by using $rawmsg. An easy way to do this would be:

if ($regex($rawmsg,/^:[^!]+!([^@]+)@/)) {
var %ident = $regml(1)

Unfortunately, you'll only be able to use that on events. But, the $ial() does store the proper address and ident. (you'll probably have to /who the channel so that everyone in it will be added to the $ial() )

So, if you want to make an alias, just to echo or return the address on a nick like this, you would want to use something like:

alias findaddy {
  if ($1) {
    var %nicka = $1 $+ !*@*
    if ($regex($ial(%nicka),/^([^!]+)!([^\@]+)@(.+)$/)) {
      var %nick = $regml(1) , %ident = $regml(2) , %address = $regml(3)
    if ($isid) {
      if ($prop == full) { return $+(%nick,!,%ident,@,%address) }
      elseif ($prop == ident) { return %ident }
      elseif ($prop == host) { return %address }
    else { echo -a $+(%nick,!,%ident,@,%address) }

You can type: //echo -atg $findaddy(Nick).ident

To show the persons full ident. Hope this helps until $address($nick,*) gets fixed up.