
on *:text:!hit*:*:{
  if !$2 || !$3 || !$4 || !$5 || !$6 || !$7 || !$8 || !$9 { halt }
  else {
    [b].msg $chan You have4 $calc((($2 * 1) + ($3 * 2) + ($4 * 4)) * $5) [/b]
    [b].msg $chan Your enemy have $calc((($6 * 1) + ($7 * 2) + ($8 * 4)) * $9)[/b]

I just made this script just now. I need a litle more help on hit

How i make the line 1 minus 2 ?
So it will shows the results ini :-
.msg $chan You have lose if results shows -(amount)
.msg $chan You have win if results shows +(amount)
