<- :rand!rand@qwest.net NOTICE r[a]nd laughCC Send #test.log (

^ that is irrelevant and can also have a incorrect IP in it, because of how some peoples systems work.

<- :rand!rand@qwest.net PRIVMSG r[a]nd :DCC SEND #test.log 1124165044 1028 755258

^capture with ...
CTCP ^*:DCC SEND *:?:{ 
  tokenize 62 $1 $+ &gt; $+ $2 $+ &gt; $+ $nopath($filename) $+ &gt; $+ $gettok($1-,-3,32) $+ &gt; $+ $gettok($1-,-2,32) $+ &gt; $+ $gettok($1-,-1,32)
  ;$1 = DCC
  ;$2 = SEND
  ;$3 = filename
  ;$4 = longIP (see $longip)
  ;$5 = port
  ;$6 = filesize

The tokenize well fix any problem with files with spaces in it groups the whole filename spaces an all into $3 (and removes any surrounding " ")