I'm not sure I understand you correctly but I think this is what you want.
The following code will let you extract ops, voices or regulars from the names output:

alias parseops {
  var %ops
  return $null($regsub($1,/(?<= |^)[^@ ]+/g,,%ops)) %ops
alias parsevoices {
  var %voices
  return $null($regsub($1,/(?<= |^)[^+ ]+/g,,%voices)) %voices
alias parseregulars {
  var %regulars
  return $null($regsub($1,/(?<= |^)[@+][^ ]+/g,,%regulars)) %regulars

$parseops(output) - list of ops.
$parsevoices(output) - list of voices.
$parseregulars(output) - list of regulars.