you might check what your server has for the $modespl
you hould be able to /ban -k then number of nicks allowed in the mode restrictions in one line, repeatedly, without flooding.
however you dont have a network listed in your info here so that I could go and look/test there.

Multi Kick+Ban: {
  var %modecnt = $modespl
  var %modelst = $snicks
  var %modenum = $gettok(%modelst,0,44)
  var %i = 1
  var %x = 1
  while (%i <= %modenum) {
    var %listnk = %listnk $gettok(%modelst,%x,44)
    var %lenchk = $gettok(%listnk,0,32)
    if (%lenchk >= %modecnt) {
      ban -k # - $+ $str(b,$modespl) %listnk
      var %listnk = ""
    if (%i == %modenum) {
      ban -k # - $+ $str(o,$modespl) %listnk
      var %listnk = ""
    inc %i
    inc %x