It seems you like colors smile
What about this :
 on ^*:TEXT:*:#: { 
if ($nick isop $chan) {
echo -ti2mbfl # 4«« $nick 4»» $1- | haltdef
elseif ($nick ishop $chan) {
echo -ti2mbfl # 15«« $nick 15»» $1- | haltdef
elseif ($nick isvoice $chan) {
echo -ti2mbfl # 10«« $nick 10»» $1- | haltdef
else {
echo -ti2mbfl # 6«« $nick 6»» $1- | haltdef

It colors the tags around the nicks that you see in the channels.
For coloring your own nick you have to use an on input event.
I don't know the normal on input but here is what I have:
on *:INPUT:*: {
  if ($Left($1,1) != /) && (!$Ctrlenter) && ($Active != Status Window) && ($Status == connected) {
    .var %a = $0
    msg $active $1-

And to color your nick I have this:
 alias say { .msg $active $1- }
alias msg { .msg $1- | echo $1 $timestamp $+(12«« ,$me,12 »») $2- }

I hope it works for you.
