$scid = the command for server channel to other server channel

so therefore a simple command put right into the chat box is

/scid 2 /msg #channelhere texthere

or to action

/scid 2 /describe #channelhere loves to script.

scid represents the servers thats open so for example if you have three servers in order server 1 = scid 1 so if you want to do a simple test see how many servers your connected too do this //echo -a $scid(0)

by doing echo -a $scid(0) it will echo back how many servers your connected too so again if server 2 is the server you want to chat on type /scid 2 /msg #channelhere texthere

its the same way as saying say #channel blahblah

if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }