What did i do wrong?! the Warn part is working.. but not the kick or ban: Please help! smile Thanks so much!!
dialog wkb {
  title "[Warn][Kick][Ban]"
  size -1 -1 88 72
  option dbu
  button "[Warn]", 1, 15 4 37 12
  button "[Kick]", 2, 15 21 37 12
  button "[Ban]", 3, 15 38 37 12
  button "Cancel", 5, 15 54 37 12, ok

on 1:dialog:wkb:sclick:1: /dialog -m warn warn | dialog -k wkb wkb
on 1:dialog:wkb:sclick:2: /dialog -m kick kick | dialog -k wkb wkb
on 1:dialog:wkb:sclick:3: /dialog -m ban ban | dialog -k wkb wkb

dialog warn {
  title "[Warn]"
  size -1 -1 131 157
  option dbu
  button "Drug Talk", 1, 20 5 37 12
  button "Bad Nick", 2, 20 21 37 12
  button "Flooding", 3, 20 36 37 12
  button "Swearing", 4, 20 51 37 12
  button "Caps", 5, 20 66 37 12
  button "Advertising", 6, 20 82 37 12
  button "Sexual", 7, 20 97 37 12
  button "Rudeness", 8, 20 113 37 12
  button "Rudeness in PM", 9, 18 128 42 12
  button "IMping", 10, 68 5 37 12
  button "Clones", 11, 68 21 37 12
  button "Colour", 12, 68 36 37 12
  button "Alcohol", 13, 68 51 37 12
  button "Racist", 14, 68 66 37 12
  button "Cancel", 15, 68 97 37 12, ok

on 1:dialog:warn:sclick:1: { /msg %wkb.chan [Warning] %wkb.nick Please refrain from discussing anything related to drugs.Thank You! - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k warn warn }
on 1:dialog:warn:sclick:2: { /msg %wkb.chan [Warning] %wkb.nick Please change your nick, No nicks of sexual or drug-related nature, or those that contain possible swear words are allowed on this channel, and your nick may be seen as offensive to some. Thank you! - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k warn warn }
on 1:dialog:warn:sclick:3: { /msg %wkb.chan [Warning] %wkb.nick  No flooding allowed on this channel.(repetitive text)  thanks :) - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k warn warn }
on 1:dialog:warn:sclick:4: { /msg %wkb.chan [Warning] %wkb.nick We do not use those words here, if you continue, you will have to leave. Thanks :) - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k warn warn }
on 1:dialog:warn:sclick:5: { /msg %wkb.chan [Warning] %wkb.nick All caps is considered yelling and rude... so please stop yelling! Thanks :) - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k warn warn }
on 1:dialog:warn:sclick:6: { /msg %wkb.chan [Warning] %wkb.nick No spamming (advertising channels or webpages) please - thank you :) - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k warn warn }
on 1:dialog:warn:sclick:7: { /msg %wkb.chan [Warning] %wkb.nick We like to keep things on a playful and friendly level, you can find sex channels all over the IRC, BUT THIS IS NOT ONE OF THEM.  If you wish to have sex talk take it private or somewhere else but not here thanks - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k warn warn }
on 1:dialog:warn:sclick:8: { /msg %wkb.chan [Warning] %wkb.nick Your comments are offensive, can you tone it down, if not, we will see you later. Thanks :) - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k warn warn }
on 1:dialog:warn:sclick:9: { set %PMnick $$?="The nick offended" | /msg %wkb.nick [Warning] Your comments in PM to %PMnick are offensive, can you tone it down, if not, we will see you later. Thanks :) - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k warn warn }
on 1:dialog:warn:sclick:10: { /msg %wkb.chan [Warning] %wkb.nick Your nick is impersanating another user or op. please change the nick. Thanks :) - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k warn warn }
on 1:dialog:warn:sclick:11: { /msg %wkb.chan [Warning] %wkb.nick Your $address(%wkb.nick,3) is a clone to another user in %.wkb.chan $+ . No clones in here please. Thanks :) - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k warn warn }
on 1:dialog:warn:sclick:12: { /msg %wkb.chan [Warning] %wkb.nick No colors in %wkb.chan please. Thanks :) - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k warn warn }
on 1:dialog:warn:sclick:13: { /msg %wkb.chan [Warning] %wkb.nick Please dont talk about Alcohol in %wkb.chan please go to #bar to do so. Thanks :) - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k warn warn }
on 1:dialog:warn:sclick:14: { /msg %wkb.chan [Warning] %wkb.nick Racist chat is not aloud in %wkb.chan , could you please stop it. Thanx :-) - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k warn warn }

dialog kick {
  title "[Kick]"
  size -1 -1 131 157
  option dbu
  button "Drug Talk", 1, 20 5 37 12
  button "Bad Nick", 2, 20 21 37 12
  button "Flooding", 3, 20 36 37 12
  button "Swearing", 4, 20 51 37 12
  button "Caps", 5, 20 66 37 12
  button "Advertising", 6, 20 82 37 12
  button "Sexual", 7, 20 97 37 12
  button "Rudeness", 8, 20 113 37 12
  button "Rudeness in PM", 9, 18 128 42 12
  button "IMping", 10, 68 5 37 12
  button "Clones", 11, 68 21 37 12
  button "Colour", 12, 68 36 37 12
  button "Alcohol", 13, 68 51 37 12
  button "Racist", 14, 68 66 37 12
  button "Cancel", 15, 68 97 37 12, ok

  on 1:dialog:kick:sclick:1: { /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick No Drug Talk - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k kick kick }
  on 1:dialog:kick:sclick:2: { /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick Please Change your nick before returning - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k kick kick }
  on 1:dialog:kick:sclick:3: { /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick You were kicked for flooding, please give other people a chance to talk. - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k kick kick }
  on 1:dialog:kick:sclick:4: { /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick That language is unaceptable in this channel, please refrain from using such language. - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 Thanks | dialog -k kick kick }
  on 1:dialog:kick:sclick:5: { /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick You have been informed that caps are rude and annoying, so please stop using them. - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k kick kick }
  on 1:dialog:kick:sclick:6: { /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick Your spamming is not welcome here, please take it else-where. - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k kick kick }
  on 1:dialog:kick:sclick:7: { /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick Your sexual comments may be annoying to other, please stop. - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k kick kick }
  on 1:dialog:kick:sclick:8: { /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick You have been warned for you offensive comments. Please stop. - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k kick kick }
  on 1:dialog:kick:sclick:9: { set %PMnick $$?="The nick offended" | /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick You have been warned of being offensive to %PMnick Please stop - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k kick kick }
  on 1:dialog:kick:sclick:10: { /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick Your nick is impersanating another op or user, please change it before returning. - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k kick kick }
  on 1:dialog:kick:sclick:11: { /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick You have been warned about your clones. Please don't use one again. Thanks - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k kick kick }
  on 1:dialog:kick:sclick:12: { /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick Please don't use colour in %wkb.chan $+ , Thanks - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k kick kick }
  on 1:dialog:kick:sclick:13: { /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick No Alochol Talk - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k kick kick }
  on 1:dialog:kick:sclick:14: { /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick You have been kicked for being racist, this is NOT tolerated here. - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k kick kick }

  dialog ban {
    title "[Ban]"
    size -1 -1 131 157
    option dbu
    button "Drug Talk", 1, 20 5 37 12
    button "Bad Nick", 2, 20 21 37 12
    button "Flooding", 3, 20 36 37 12
    button "Swearing", 4, 20 51 37 12
    button "Caps", 5, 20 66 37 12
    button "Advertising", 6, 20 82 37 12
    button "Sexual", 7, 20 97 37 12
    button "Rudeness", 8, 20 113 37 12
    button "Rudeness in PM", 9, 18 128 42 12
    button "IMping", 10, 68 5 37 12
    button "Clones", 11, 68 21 37 12
    button "Colour", 12, 68 36 37 12
    button "Alcohol", 13, 68 51 37 12
    button "Racist", 14, 68 66 37 12
    button "Cancel", 15, 68 97 37 12, ok

    on 1:dialog:ban:sclick:1: { /mode %wkb.chan +b $address(%wkb.nick,3) | /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick No Drug Talk - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k ban ban }
    on 1:dialog:ban:sclick:2: { /mode %wkb.chan +b $address(%wkb.nick,9) | /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick Please Change your nick before returning - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k ban ban }
    on 1:dialog:ban:sclick:3: { /mode %wkb.chan +b $address(%wkb.nick,3) | /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick You were kicked for flooding, please give other people a chance to talk. - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k ban ban }
    on 1:dialog:ban:sclick:4: { /mode %wkb.chan +b $address(%wkb.nick,3) | /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick That language is unaceptable in this channel. - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k ban ban }
    on 1:dialog:ban:sclick:5: { /mode %wkb.chan +b $address(%wkb.nick,3) | /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick You have been informed that caps are rude and annoying. - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k ban ban }
    on 1:dialog:ban:sclick:6: { /mode %wkb.chan +b $address(%wkb.nick,3) | /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick Your spamming is not welcome here, please take it else-where. - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k ban ban }
    on 1:dialog:ban:sclick:7: { /mode %wkb.chan +b $address(%wkb.nick,3) | /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick Your sexual comments may be annoying to other. - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k ban ban }
    on 1:dialog:ban:sclick:8: { /mode %wkb.chan +b $address(%wkb.nick,3) | /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick You have been warned for you offensive comments. - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k ban ban }
    on 1:dialog:ban:sclick:9: { set %PMnick $$?="The nick offended" | /mode %wkb.chan +b $address(%wkb.nick,3) | /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick You have been warned of being offensive to %PMnick Please stop - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k ban ban }
    on 1:dialog:ban:sclick:10: { /mode %wkb.chan +b $address(%wkb.nick,6) | /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick Your nick is impersanating another op or user. - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k ban ban }
    on 1:dialog:ban:sclick:11: { /mode %wkb.chan +b $address(%wkb.nick,3) | /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick You have been warned about your clones. - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k ban bank }
    on 1:dialog:ban:sclick:12: { /mode %wkb.chan +b $address(%wkb.nick,3) | /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick NO colour in %wkb.chan $+ . - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k ban ban }
    on 1:dialog:ban:sclick:13: { /mode %wkb.chan +b $address(%wkb.nick,3) | /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick No Alochol Talk -TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0  | dialog -k kick kick }
    on 1:dialog:ban:sclick:14: { /mode %wkb.chan +b $address(%wkb.nick,3) | /kick %wkb.chan %wkb.nick You have been banned for being racist, this is NOT tolerated here. - TruthfulChristian - Security Suite 8.0 | dialog -k ban ban }
menu nicklist {
  [Warn][Kick][Ban] :Set %wkb.nick $$1 | set %wkb.chan $chan | /dialog -m wkb wkb 