I have no idea. If none of the examples in the help file work, then it is most likely because of your system, unrelated to mIRC.

You wouldn't have by accident the option in mIRC enabled that disables "run, dll, and com commands" would ya? You can find this option by pressing alt+o -> Other -> Lock

Maybe you have an AVG that blocks all COM? I'm afraid I won't be able to help you with this matter.
Did you try the examples on a clean client (no scripts installed)? Any difference?

Let's do a small test, try this alias:

alias testvbs {
write test.vbs wscript.echo "this is a test"
run test.vbs

Tell me if you got a msgbox saying "This is a test".

If that works, then I can make some code in vbs for you and let that run from within mIRC. It's not the prettiest solution, but it's better than nothing.
