I have this script:

; **********************
; CSP by Smc_S
; **********************
;######### DDE related stuff v1.2 ##########
;############# Remote script ###############

on 1:LOAD:{
  /load -a scripts/customdde.mrc
  /set %ddeservname alienDDE
  /set %ddewinyn on
  /set %saydde off
  /set %reactdde on
  /set %ddertext !song
  /set %mp3sendyn on
  /set %mp3sendtrig !sendsong
  /echo DDEwindow script loaded

on *:START:{
  /ddeserver on %ddeservname

on 1:TEXT:%mp3sendtrig:#:{
  if %mp3sendyn == on {
  if %wanow != nothing {
   var %check = $readini(ini\songs.ini,%wafile,$user)
   if (%check != true) {
    writeini -n ini\songs.ini %wafile $user true 
    /dcc send $nick %wafile

on 1:TEXT:%ddertext:#:{
  if %reactdde == on { 
    /msg $chan I'm now listening to %wanow ( %watime ) $ismp3send

on 1:TEXT:!list:#:{
  if %reactdde == on { 
    if %wanow != nothing {
      /notice $nick Type  %ddertext to see what I'm currently playing in Winamp

on 1:KEYDOWN:@DDE.Input:90,88,67,86,66:{
  if ($keychar == z) /dde winamp_c prev
  if ($keychar == x) /dde winamp_c play
  if ($keychar == c) /dde winamp_c pause
  if ($keychar == v) /dde winamp_c stop
  if ($keychar == b) /dde winamp_c next

menu status {
  DDE Window
  .$enabledy(%ddewinyn) Enable:/ddewinon
  .$enabledn(%ddewinyn) Disable:/ddewinoff
  .Rename Server:/dderename

As you can see i've tried to put an anti flood ting into the sending of the songs, but it doesn't quite work properly, when i take a look at the ini file i see:

and=Settings\Rowan\My Documents\My Music\11 Highway Song.wma true

How can i get it so that it only checks the music filename and not the whole path, and it has the music file name as the part in the square brackts ([])? then the user on a line under it then an equals sign then true. and after the song is sent it sets it to false, or is there a better way of doing it?