While I agree totally with the idea of things like this (the total ability to modify whats happening etc). I also doubt serverly that this well ever happen, as mirc seems geared more for the user end market than the developer end, as i suspect this would also match its useage bases. And as weith several other things in mirc, you cant do it becuase it leaves the program out there to be manipulated to the point of fooling to many people to much of the time, if you can script it to remove a user how can you notice a user is there doing things when u cant see him. Im sure alot well come out and say, people shouldnt run scripts if they dont know what they do etc etc, but really how many of us would tell people not to run antivirus becuase you "shouldnt run programs unless u know what they do".

PS: again i mention I personally would like this, but doubt it would ever happen.