i will check if users on channel1 and channel2
is user in channel1 but not in channel2 then kick+ban
i have this code:
 alias checkusers { 
  if ( $1 ischan ) && ( $2 ischan ) {  
    var %c = 1, %cusers 
    while $nick($1,%c) { 
      if ( $v1 !ison $2 ) && ( $v1 !isvoice $1 ) %cusers = $addtok(%cusers,$v1,44) 
      inc %c 
    msg # $iif( %cusers, **Not in $2 $+ : $v1, None) 
  else echo $colour(info) -a ** Syntax: /checkusers <#Channel1> <#Channel2> 

...but too many users = * /set: line too long (line 5, check.mrc)

plz help me & thx bodo