hello again,

i'm currently working on a small topic recover type thingy, and i'm stumped with how to handle the store file. it's a dialog based syetem, and i have been fortunate enough to come up with some good examples. however, i'm stumped on how to get the results i want..

here are the samples i have:
(these would be used in the dialog init event)
.fopen cc OPCTrecovery.dat 
      if !$ferr {
        while !$feof { 
          if $fread(cc) {  
            tokenize 124 $v1   
            did -a $dname 5 $1   
            did -a $dname 1 $2   
      .fclose cc


loadbuf -o $dname 1 OPCTrecovery.dat 
 var %i = 1 
 while $did(1,%i) {  
  did -a $dname 5 $gettok($v1,1,124)  
  inc %i 

now what i'm doing is loading the files contents into a dialog, for review and what-not. the first piece of code i posted does what i want.. which is return the line of text in split format to the appropriate boxes.. but i'm unsure on how to delete lines from the file using the first code.

the second piece of code displays the whole line instead of what i'm looking for, which is everything after the pipe(chr(124))

heres the dialog code :
dialog opc_tr {
  title Topic Recovery For: 
  size -1 -1 261 70
  option dbu
  combo 1, 7 20 246 50, hsbar drop
  button "Close", 2, 207 52 37 12, ok
  button "Delete Topic", 3, 7 51 37 12
  button "Restore Topic", 4, 59 51 37 12
  list 5, 60 6 50 10, size
  text "Last Edited On:", 6, 19 8 39 7
On *:TOPIC:*:{
  /write OPCTR.dat $+($asctime(mmmddyy@hh:nntt),$chr(124),$chan(#).topic) 
raw 332:*:{ /write OPCTR.dat $+($asctime(mmmddyy@hh:nntt),$chr(124),$3-)


i do hope i'm making some kind of sense here.. any ways could someone help with this?

thanks in advance