Well, does drawpic work in dialogs? I badly need to get a picture in a dialog with a transparent background.

Here's a sample:

alias window1 {
dialog -ma window1 window1

dialog window1 {
title "Window 1"
size -1 -1 100 100
option dbu

button "Show",1, 5 5 40 10

on 1:dialog:window1:sclick:1: {
drawpic -t @window1 ($rgb(255,0,255)) -5 -5 "pic.bmp"

* drawpic: invalid window (line 14, script1.mrc)

I know a dialog doesn't qualify as a window, but is there another way? Is there even a dll somewhere that can help with this? smirk

Last edited by BNX; 31/08/05 05:55 PM.