You can put nicklist in @Windows with the -l switch.

/window -el12 @Window

If your windows are like: @#Channel

Then you could use the On Keydown event anticipate the TAB key value and use an alias like:

alias tab {
  var %tab.chan = #$$1, %x = 1
  while (%x <= $nick(%tab.chan,0)) {
    if ($left($nick(%tab.chan,%x),1) == %tab.chan) {
      %token = $addtok(%token,$fline(%tab.chan,$nick(%tab.chan,%x),1,1),32)
    inc %x
  if ($numtok(%token,32) == 1) { 
    editbox $+($nick(%tab.chan,$gettok(%token,1,32)),:) 
  elseif ($numtok(%token,32) > 1) { 
    inc %names $calc($gettok(%token,1,32) - 1)
    if ($istok(%token,%names,32)) {
      editbox $+($nick(%tab.chan,%names),:)
    if (%names == $gettok(%token,$numtok(%token,32),32)) unset %names

I'm pretty tired so it can be improved a hell of a lot but I didnt have much sleep last night so it is fairly hard to concentrate.. smile

You can test it in a channel.

/tab #Channel B

Obviously, if you use it in a window and keep pressing TAB to refresh the tab alias you wouldnt need to keep hitting the up arrow to get the next nickname.
