heres a good script from my friend poolshark i take no credit for it

on @+1:JOIN:#:{
if $ial($address($nick,2),0) == 1 { goto end }
if %c == 1 { set %clone3 %clone1
set %clone4 %clone2 | set %c1 2 }
set %nopnick 0
set %c 0
inc %nopnick 1
if $nopnick($chan,%nopnick) == $null goto done
if $address($nick,2) == $address($nopnick($chan,%nopnick),2) && $nick != $nopnick($chan,%nopnick) { goto clone }
else goto next
inc %c 1
set %clone $+ [ %c ] $nopnick($chan,%nopnick)
goto next
set %clone2 $nick
if $opnick($chan,0) > 1 && %csmode == v { .onotice $chan 10OpAlert $chan $+ : 12 $+ %clone2 $+ 10 is a clone of 12 $+ %clone1 $+ 10-2( $+ $address($nick,2) $+ ) %cspp }
if %cswatch == ON {
echo 10 -a **ALERT 4ON10 $chan $+ ** 12 $+ $nick $+ 10 is a clone of 12 $+ %clone1 2( $+ $address(%clone2,2) $+ ) %cspp
if %cswindow == ON { window -e @Clones | echo @Clones ** ALERT ** 12 $address(%clone2,5) 10 is a clone of 12 $address(%clone1,5) }
ping %clone2 | .notice %clone2 You are a Clone of %clone1  Clones are not allowed in $chan
ping %clone1 | .notice %clone1 You are a Clone of %clone2  Clones are not allowed in $chan
if $opnick($chan,0) > 1 && %csmode == v { .onotice $chan 10OpAlert $chan $+ : 12 $+ %clone2 $+ 10 and 12 $+ %clone1 $+ 10 have been notified %cspp }
echo 10 -a **ALERT** 12 $+ %clone2 $+ 10 and 12 $+ %clone1 10Have been notified - Press 2 $+ %cshotkey $+  to kick/ban if neccessary %cspp
if %c1 == 2 { echo 10 -a **ALERT** To Kick7 %clone4 $+ 10 and 7 $+ %clone3 10- Press 2 $+ %cshotky1 $+  to kick/ban if neccessary %cspp }
if %cswatch == OFF {
if %cswindow == ON { window -e @Clones | echo @Clones ** ALERT ** 12 $address(%clone2,5) 10 is a clone of 12 $address(%clone1,5) }
echo 10 -a **ALERT 4ON10 $chan $+ ** 12 $+ $nick $+ 10 is a clone of 12 $+ %clone1 2( $+ $address(%clone2,2) $+ ) %cspp
if %csfindc == ON { whois %clone1 | whois %clone2 }
set %clone11 $address(%clone1,1) | set %clone22 $address(%clone2,1)
goto end
set %csaddban $address($nick,2)
ban $chan $nick 2
kick $chan $nick 2 $+ %cskick %cspp
kick $chan %clone1 2 $+ %cskick %cspp
kick $chan %clone2 2 $+ %cskick %cspp
if %csxban == ON { msg x ban $chan %csaddban 4 75 MultiCloning is a no no }
ignore -tpnu120 $nick 4
if %cswatchi == ON mode $chan +i | .timer 1 25 mode $chan -i
if %cswatchr == ON mode $chan +r | .timer 1 40 mode $chan -r
if $opnick($chan,0) > 1 && %csmode == v { .onotice $chan 10OpAlert $chan $+ :12 Multiple Clones Detected! %cspp }
echo 12 -a **ALERT** Multiple Clones Detected on $chan $+ ! %cspp
if $opnick($chan,0) > 1 && %csmode == v { .onotice $chan 10OpAlert $chan $+ :12 $+ $address($nick,2) $+ 10 Banned and clones flushed from channel %cspp }
echo 10 -a **ALERT** 12 $+ $address($nick,2) $+ 10 Banned and clones flushed from $chan %cspp
if %cswindow == ON { window -e @Clones | echo @Clones ** MULTI **10 Multiple Clones from Address 12 %csaddban }
unset %clone* %c %c1
goto end
if %c == 0 goto end
if %c == 1 goto clone1
goto clone2
unset %nopnick

if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }