why does
splay $getdirtest.mp3

only plays the file for a few secs then stops???

alias track {
.splay -p $sfile(.\sounds\*.mp3,Choose an Mp3 File,Ok)

when you type /track

it will pop up the fileget dialog in the mirc sounds folder Note this path can be like C:\MyDownloads\Mp3\*.mp3 i just chosed mirc's sound folder .\sounds\*.mp3 $sfile = a short version of select File

now for the getdir thing i would use $sdir in a dialog to pick up the contents of the dir itself else.. if your only using one file at a time $sfile < is again only to select one file at a time

try that laugh lemme know

if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }