on *:ctcpreply:VERSION*:{
if (Reactor Script isin $1-) {
if (%last.rs isin $1-) { halt }
if (v1. !isin $1-) { halt }
if ($5 < %last.rs) { halt }
else { .notice $nick A new version ( $+ %last.rs $+ ) of The Reactor Script has been released, please visit http://reactor.vivaladag.com for download and updates! }

I need the script to halt if over version 1.70 and if lower countinue... But this "red" i have now dosent work... Perhaps a script that search and find the 1.70 version and compared with the saved %var..

And the version reply is:

[djup VERSION reply]: mIRC v6.16 Khaled Mardam-Bey
[djup VERSION reply]: The Reactor Script v1.70

Last edited by Deep3D; 16/08/05 06:53 PM.