When designing scripts my biggest gipe is having no control via scripts to settings the users has available to them.

I agree that it would be super if we could change all of the options via /commands, but as starbucks points out, not everyone uses a script. If I were a new user, I wouldn't want to have to go download some lame script just so i can set an option. Of course, there is always the possibility of including the normal options dialog in the script files in the distrubution. Then again, anyone with their own scripts would have to do something to get those added, which could be quite a lot of work. Still, it's a thought.

Also, /filter needs output to channel, /window releated commands and identifers should never care about the window type and should work on all windows... smile

a combination of /filter and /play should be just fine, but if it must be done in one command, i think there are still a few letters in the alphabet that can be used as switches ( maybe -m for msg?). I assume that "/window related commands" means /*line, and I agree that those that can apply to a chan/query ought to.

If I knew now what I will know then... maybe things will have been different...