on *:text:!punish &:#channel: {
msg #channel $read(punish.txt)
this is the script, then do /write punish.txt message $2 = the second thing they say, $nick = the person who trigered it, i.e: $2 was killed by $iif(*s iswm $nick,$nick $+ ',$nick $+ 's) chainsaw.
<abc> !punish ir_n00b
<bot> ir_n00b was killed by abc's chainsaw.
<abcs> !punish ir_n00b
<bot> ir_n00b was killed by abcs' chainsaw.
the $iif above is an if statement, in the format of: $iif(statemet,return if true,return if false)
you can also do:
if (somthing) {
elseif (somthing) {
other stuff
else {
other stuff

you should do /help basic commands, /help $read, /help write, /help if then else, and /help on text
that should explain most of this to you. wink