Okay thanks for the help and input guys.

Several others.

How do you return total channels per one network? $chan(0) will return channels you are not in. I removed the /scon part but then it returned 1.

var %b = $regsub(%a,/\s?([?!\54])\1*/g,\1,%a)

This makes ! and???? to make! and?

So hi ! becomes hi! and what???? becomes what?

But, $nick != that makes $nick!= that

So I don't want it to concatenate if there's an equal sign after !
So, whatever follows a ? or a ! will make it concatenate I need an exception to that.

%a being $1-


That makes u become you and usa become usa, but U.S.A. becomes You.S.A.

Then, y.o.u.r. becomes why.o.you.r.

I need exceptions to periods.
