what is the init event to load a webpage useing nhtmln.dll?
im useing
dialog mailcheck {
  title "Mail Checker by MMS"
  size -1 -1 347 218
  option dbu
  box "", 1, 0 -2 346 18
  text "Select Your Mail Server", 2, 3 4 60 8
  combo 3, 64 3 59 72, sort drop
  button "Go", 8, 126 4 28 8, default
  link "About", 9, 325 4 17 9
  box "-", 10, 0 13 347 205
  edit "", 4, 155 3 21 10
  text "Mail Servers Listed", 5, 177 4 47 8
alias mailgo { dll $+(",$scriptdirnHTMLn.dll,") $1- }
on *:dialog:mailcheck:sclick:3:/set %mail.mail $did(mailcheck,3).seltext
on *:dialog:mailcheck:init:*: {
  /set %mail.num $did(mailcheck,3).lines
  /did -a mailcheck 4 %mail.num
  var %hwnd = $dll($scriptdirnHTMLn.dll,find,-)
  mailgo attach %hwnd
  mailgo navigate %mail.mail
  /did -a mailcheck 3 AOL
on *:dialog:mailcheck:sclick:8: {
  /dialog -x mailcheck mailcheck
  /dialog -md mailcheck mailcheck
  if (%mail.mail == AOL) { mailgo http://my.screenname.aol.com/_cqr/login/login.psp?siteId=atlasaol&authLev=2&mcState=initialized&triedAimAuth=y }

and i dont want to use the alias mailgo. i want that included in the init event
it dont work either

Last edited by pod2oo5; 23/02/03 02:38 PM.