Im trying to make a "help dialog" where when someone
aks a question (for example) "how can i register my nickname"
then j open my "help dialog" and press "register" button, instead of typing:
"/msg nickserv register password email" everytime

And when i press "register" button on my "help" dialog

It should be like this; (for example nick is MARIO )

MARIO, if yo want to register you nick name tupe /msg nickserv register password email

"say $$1 If you want to register your nick, type /msg nickserv register password email"

but i have a problem, when i write;

say $$1 If you want to register your nick, type /msg nickserv register password email

The problem is ( $$1 ) when i put this command, it won't say "say $$1 If you want to register your nick, type /msg nickserv register password email"

but if i put;

say If you want to register your nick, type /msg nickserv register password email
(without the $$1 ) then it works, but i need $$1

here is an example od my dialog;


alias help { dialog -m help help }
dialog help {
title help
icon graph/topics.ico
size -1 -1 75 40
option dbu
button "Close",1,105 58 20 10,ok
text "HELP",2,5 5 50 7
button "Register",4,7 14 30 10
button "Identify",5,37 14 30 10
button "New Nick",8,7 24 30 10
button "SendPass",9,37 24 30 10

on *:dialog:help:sclick:*: {
if ($did == 4) { say $$1 If you want to register your nick, type /msg nickserv register password email

Does someone knowns what the problem is ?