I have this idea and I have been scripting a work around for it, but maybe someone can help me, or maybe Khaled can implement this.

How about adding /window wid, where wid = window id. It would be a nice addition, plus fix this really annoying bug with MDX toolbar switchbars where if you have send yourself a file and click on the window for the send, it would make both the DCC send/get windows active on the switchbar. Same happens if you have multiple DCC sends/gets/chats/fserves with the same nickname, it would all be marked as active on the switchbar (mdx switchbar).

It might seem I want this fix just for the MDX switchbar thing, but I also thing this could come into use for getting the true window.

My alias I have right now just returns the window name with the window id (ex $truewin(132) would return #genscripts).

Any thoughts?