Thanks Andy, you were right! Sometimes its the smallest mistake that cause the biggest problem lol ^_^.
Anyone wanna take a peak at:
 on 1:Text:`* *:#: {
  var %atk = $right($1,$calc($len($1) - 1))
  var %2 = $2-
  var %topics = $ini(Bot_Stats\Moves.stats,0)
  var %num = 1
  while (%num <= %topics) {
    var %use = $ini(Bot_Stats\moves.stats,%num)
    var %name = $bot_stats(Moves.stats,np,%use,Arena-banned)
    if (%name == Yes) { notice $nick 4 $+ %atk 10is a banned/restricted move }
    inc %num

lol maybe I have small errors but I see nothign wrong with it blush smile