Ok, this is my question, i already looked it in the mirc.hlp and didn't find it...

As you know mIRC allows you to connect in 2 differents networks in a same mIRC, now the question i have is: how to send a message from one nick in a "network" to a channel in the "other network" but with the nick of the other network... i dont know if you get the idea. Let me explain with an example:

I connect SS in Undernet and SS2 in DALnet for example..

From DALnet's network i send a message (with a command like /msg) but the message must be said by SS in Undernet..

Did you get the point? If dont.. tell me i'll try to explain it again (my english is not so good)

that's the example.. i dont know if there is already something like that..

Ok, thanks in advance for reading this, bye! I wait for an answer asap smile