i do a whois on some one and this text appears:

mynick is [email]HisUserid@HisIPaddress[/email] * hisRealName
mynick is a registred nick
mynick on #hischannel
mynick using irc.hisserver.com
mynick has been idle 33secs, signed on Mon Jul 11 10:57:07
mynick End of /WHOIS list.

well anyway, the server has chanserv/nickserv commands.
i user raw commands to customize the text and now it appears like this:


[12:26:03] ••• ···························································
[12:26:03] ••• mynick is [email]HisUserid@HisIPaddress[/email]
[12:26:03] ••• mynick is «hisRealName»
mynick is a registred nick
[12:26:03] ••• mynick on #hischannel
[12:26:03] ••• mynick on irc.hisServer.com
[12:26:03] ••• mynick idle 28secs
[12:26:03] ••• ···························································

however i can not find the raw reply for "mynick is a registred nick" so i can't modify it and as you cand see it looks really really ugly smile . the script code so far is
; start modifying the whois reply
raw 311:*: {
  echo $timestamp ••• ··························································
  echo $timestamp ••• $2 is  $+ $3 $+  $+ @ $+ $4 $+ 
  echo $timestamp ••• $2 is «12 $+ $6- $+ »
raw 312:*: echo $timestamp ••• $2 on $3 | haltdef
raw 313:*: echo $timestamp ••• $2 $3- | haltdef
raw 317:*: echo $timestamp ••• $2 idle 12 $+ $duration($3,1) $+  | haltdef
raw 319:*: echo $timestamp ••• $2 on $3- | haltdef
raw 318:*: echo $timestamp ••• ························································· | haltdef
; end of whois reply

how can i find the raw numeric reply for that line (with nickserv, the one that isn't customized) ?