Well... I needed an EXACT match, not partial match. So my idea was to compare %B1 and the whole line to verify whether the match is exact or not. If not, it is skipped.

To check it now i use "if (!$read(...))" -- as long as the match is exact, %B1 will be equal to the whole line, and $read will be empty. It even works smile

But... Is there a simplier and a more correct way? For instance, a key param for $read to make it search only for exact matches would be great...

Exact match... i mean that search for "Blah" should return only line "Blah", but not line "Blah the universe".

Tidy Trax:
To return the whole line you could substitute the s flag for the w flag and use Blah * as the text to search for.
I can't do than 'cause i only know the whole line to search for and i need an EXACT match.

-= endless in a victory of a yourself =-