Ok, I am like so getting everything wrong on this script. This time I made a section that when the user types !battlefield, it will show all the users.
on *:TEXT:!battlefield*:*:{
if ($2 != $null) {
/msg $nick $+ $2 $+ 's $+ Gold is: $readini( $2 $+ .ini, THINGS, gold) | /msg $nick $+ $2 $+ 's $+ Strike is: $readini( $2 $+ .ini, THINGS, Strike) | /msg $nick $+ $2 $+ 's $+ Defense is: $readini( $2 $+ .ini, THINGS, Defense)
if ($2 == $null) {
/msg $nick Players: $readini( players.ini, USERS, NICKS )
Please feel free to write a better version, as I can't seem to get this right. It makes me mad, because I had it all working, then I decided to make it Multi player, cause facing my self was not fun, and now I seem to have forgotten what an mIRC script is.
Please Help Me.