All the !words were examples, the * was used as i this was not about specific triggers but a general discussion, i didnt want to infer the use of ON *:TEXT:!*:#channel was going to catch everything you might be comparing for.

if ($1 == !bot) { .. }
elseif ($1 == !hep) { .. }

yes if its a small script, if its something with alot of triggers ill use this
*** Dare i say it im using GOTO ***
on *:text:*?:channel {
  if (!$istok(!blah !wobble @ops !etc ^powerup etc etc etc,$1,32)) { halt }
  goto goto $+ $1
  :goto@ops { ...... | goto end }
  :goto!etc { ...... | goto end }
  :goto^powerup { ...... | goto end }
  :gotoetc { ...... | goto end }
  :gotoetc { ...... | goto end }
  :gotoetc { ...... | goto end }