Replace the # in the on text/on input with * and it will work in private and channel and chat.

well fail becuase $chan is all over the script.

on *:INPUT:#:{ input.event $1- }
on *:INPUT:?:{ input.event $1- }
alias -l input.event {
  if (!$istok(/ $readini($mircini, text, commandchar), $left($$1, 1), 32)) && (!$ctrlenter) && (!$inpaste) {
    echo -itlbfmrc normal $target $+([,$chr(3), 04, $remove($nick($chan,$me).pnick,$me), $chr(3),$me,]) $1-
    .msg $target $1-
on ^*:TEXT:*:#,?: {
  echo -itlbfmrc normal $target $+([,$chr(3), 04, $remove($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,$nick), $chr(3),$nick,]) $1-

Just tested this seems to work ok.
There are two INPUT events becuase for what ever reason mirc wont deal with #,? in the ON INPUT

Ill also recant what i said about [ ] not letting you select in the nick list, seems to work fine