Ok, so I wrote a small script to help people new to mIRC in clans to setup themselves. I see that you can add stuff to the perform.ini...but still not sure how to do it. Here's the alias for my script...where I need to figure out how to have the channels inputed join on connect:
alias /addchannel {
  if [ %channel1 == $null ] { set %channel1  #$$?="Enter Channel" | goto end }
  if [ %channel2 == $null ] { set %channel2  #$$?="Enter Channel" | goto end }
  if [ %channel3 == $null ] { set %channel3  #$$?="Enter Channel" | goto end }
  if [ %channel4 == $null ] { set %channel4  #$$?="Enter Channel" | goto end }
  if [ %channel5 == $null ] { set %channel5  #$$?="Enter Channel" | goto end }
  if [ %channel6 == $null ] { set %channel6  #$$?="Enter Channel" | goto end }
  if [ %channel7 == $null ] { set %channel7  #$$?="Enter Channel" | goto end }
  if [ %channel8 == $null ] { set %channel8  #$$?="Enter Channel" | goto end }
  if [ %channel9 == $null ] { set %channel9  #$$?="Enter Channel" | goto end }
  else { echo -a 4,15You Have Too Many Channels In Your List! | halt }
echo -a 14»»»12 $! Has Been Added To Your Channel List

Not sure how to have each channel added to be joined on connect.