Well, Invision's Fserv Explorer has your local drive info on the left and fserv drive info on the right. I think what he wants is where the entire thing is for the fserv. On the left, like he said, you can get the folders (probably in tree format) and on the right, you get the files within the folder you select.

I've not seen any like that, but it could be scripted with a DLL that has tree capability. As for drag and drop, you're right. smile

Still, the fserv explorer found in Invision and various other scripts (I've written one myself in the past when thinking I'd write my own full script before realizing I didn' t have the patience) can be easier to deal with than standard text-only format.

To find ones similar to Invision's look on mircscripts.org for fserv explorer and/or fserv browser.

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