hello, maybe someone can help me with this. it kinda works, if they post a link 2 times in 5 min's , it warns them, but after it warns them, if they say hi, or something like that, it gives them another warning. so i was hoping maybe someone could take a look at it and tell me how to fix that.

on *:start: {
hmake flood 100
on $@*:text:*:#Channel: {
if ($nick !isop #) {
if (*http://* iswm $1-) || (*www.* iswm $1-) {
hinc -mu300 flood $+(flood,$nick)
if ($hget(flood,$+(flood,$nick)) == 2) {
msg $chan $nick You Have Been Warned once for Flooding Links, Next Warning Will Result In A Kick
elseif ($hget(flood,$+(flood,$nick)) > 3 ) {
kick $chan $nick No Advertise Flooding *2nd Warning*
hdel flood $+(flood,$nick)

Thanks in advance smile