Examples for a query request of your name:

Using your specific text values:
on *:text:*:?: {
  if (what is your name isin $1- || what is ur name isin $1- || wut is your name isin $1- || wut is ur name isin $1-) {
    msg $nick Foo

Using wildcards (may not always be as accurate):
on *:text:*:?: {
  if (what is * name* iswm $1- || wut is * name* iswm $1-) {
    msg $nick Foo

|| is OR

If you want to include a ? in that, use $+ $chr(63). Example:
on *:text:what is your name $+ $chr(63):?: {

$+ combines two items without a space between them. $chr(63) is a question mark. Otherwise, ? is used as a single-character wildcard.

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