Ok guys, I made this online radio player so I can play radio stations in mIRC and it works with no problems but I'm having problems with one area now... getting it to advertise the song that is currently playing from the radio. I know, everyone is thinking I can't do it but there has to be some sort of way to be able to get it done because the radio station shows the Now Playing song on it's site. Below is the code I currently have and feel free to tell me about any code that would maybe make it a better player.

dialog online_radio {
  title "Online Radio"
  size -1 -1 155 22
  option dbu
  box "", 1, 3 0 149 19
  combo 2, 42 6 60 87, size drop
  button "4", 3, 105 6 20 10
  text "Radio", 4, 6 6 33 8, disable center
  button "<", 5, 128 6 20 10

on *:dialog:online_radio:init:*:{
  $mdx SetMircVersion $version 
  $mdx MarkDialog $dname
  $mdx SetFont 3,5 18 700 webdings
  $mdx SetFont 4 18 600 Dungeon
  did -a online_radio 2 HitzRadio
  did -c online_radio 2 1
on *:dialog:online_radio:sclick:3:{
  if ($did(2) == HitzRadio) { runRP | kte_echo -a Hitz Radio }
on *:dialog:online_radio:sclick:5:{

alias runRP {
  if !$1 {
    echo -aec info * /runRP: insufficient parameters.
  if !$com(objRP) {
    if $com(objWMP) { closeWMP }
    .comopen objRP rmocx.RealPlayer G2 Control.1
    if $comerr {
      echo -aec info * /runRP: incompatible RealPlayer version.
  else !.echo -q $com(objRP,DoStop,1)
  !.echo -q $com(objRP,Source,4,bstr,$1-)
  !.echo -q $com(objRP,DoPlay,1)

alias -l closeRP .comclose objRP

alias closePlayers {
  if $com(objRP) { closeRP }

Any help with this is greatly appreciated. Oh and the website that has the Now Playing info is HitzRadio.com