alias hint {
  set %answer $2-
  var %b = $regsub($2-,/([[:alnum:]])/g,_,%hint) 
  .timerHint 3 5 MakeHint $1
alias MakeHint {
  set %hint $scatter($1,%hint)
  echo -a Hint: %hint
alias scatter {
  var %n = $int($calc($regex(%answer,/([[:alnum:]])/g)*($1 / 100))), %h = $2-, %k
  if ($count(%h,_) <= %n) { return %answer }
  while (%n) {
    while ($mid(%h,%k,1) != _) { %k = $r(1,$len(%h)) }
    %h = $+($left(%h,$calc(%k - 1)),$mid(%answer,%k,1),$right(%h,$calc(-1 * %k)))
    dec %n
  return %h

Original Scatter alias from tatarize altered to only scramble what's left after the hint before.

/hint <% visibele after each hint> <answer>


/hint 25 this is a Hint-test

will return:

Hint: _h_s _s _ ____-____
Hint: th_s _s a __n_-____
Hint: th_s _s a H_n_-__st

Timer is set to 3 hints every 5 seconds.

The code:
if ($count(%h,_) <= %n) { return %answer }
will prevent an infinite loop if % is above 100; so choose the number of hints and percentage wisely

One remark:
The percentage can be one letter down each hint because of the usage of $int().