id like ot see a /hlist alias built in ive scripted one several times, its farily useful for debuging purposes and genreally looking at a hash table though i doubt anyone else will agree with me... note it kidna works like find file

/hlist somealias $$1
echo -a $hlist(somealias $$1)

woudl sendhash table name to somealias

/hlist hTable somealias $$1 - $$2

in the first example would send every item - data to somealias that is in the hash table hTable...

i just find it useful on occasion tis all...

so lets imagine we have hash tables

and i do /hlist echo -a $$1

it would output

and if i did /hlist _bama1 echo -a $$1

it woudl output
item1 - data1
item2 - data2
... etc

hmmm signed by me