Here ya go, this code should work pretty good!
alias delxcx {
  window -c @files | window -ln @files 180 60 200 300
  aline -s @files $findfile(C:\XCX\Files,*.xcx,@files)
  %lines = $sline(@files,1).ln | %position = 1
  while (%done != true && %lines > 0) {
    set %line $line(@files,%position)
    remove " $+ %line $+ "
    inc %position
    if (%position >= %lines) { %done = true }
  unset %done %line %lines %position
  window -c @files

If there is more than say 1000 of these XCX files, mIRC might appear to hang while it's doing this, just wait it out, if you plan on having to delete a large amount of files often I can add a progress meter to this so you can see that it's doing something.