dialog test {
  size -1 -1 66 22
  option dbu
  edit "", 1, 3 4 50 10
  button "ok", 2, 1 1 30 10, ok hide
on *:dialog:test:edit:1:{
  set %a $iif(%a,$iif($len(%a) == $calc($len($did(1)) - 1),%a $+ $remove($did(1),*),$left(%a,-1)),$did(1)) 
  did -ra $dname 1 $str(*,$len(%a))
  .echo -s %a

I'm trying to make the editbox in the dialog work the same way this does..
//var %a = $?*

so far i got it working, but.. when u type say "hello" and move the cursor to "h" and press delete it don't work properly. any ideas???