Check this out I have now replied to the bug u detected in it

On your code here, you were exiting out one to many } so you had exited the if ( $hfind(badwords,$gettok($1-,%x,32),1,W) != $null ) { thus any word well trigger the NO WARN section. This i have corrected by moving the } before the ";;no warn;;" line to before the "inc %x" line.
I also added some RETURN's becuase I dont think once you have warned/kicked/baned someone you want to keep checking the line any more, currently if it was set to kick them, and they said 3 badwords in one sentence it would try and kick em 3 times.

alias -l check.for.ban {   
  var %x 1  
  while ( %x <= $numtok($1-,32) ) {  
    if ( $hfind(badwords,$gettok($1-,%x,32),1,W) != $null ) {        
      if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Warn) == 1 ) {     
        if ( $hget(badwordswarn,$+($nick,.,$chan)) == $null ) {       
          hinc -m badwordswarn $+($nick,.,$chan)          
          /msg $chan $nick $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Warnmsg ) Badword: $hfind(badwords,$gettok($1-,%x,32),1,W)
        else {      
          hinc -m badwordswarn $+($nick,.,$chan)      
        ;;warned kick;;     
        if ( $hget(badwordswarn,$+($nick,.,$chan)) > 1 ) && ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Kick) == 1 ) && ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Ban) == 0 ) {        
          .kick $chan $nick $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Reason Badword: $hfind(badwords,$gettok($1-,%x,32),1,W) )          
          hdel badwordswarn $+($nick,.,$chan)
        ;;warned kickban;;     
        elseif ( $hget(badwordswarn,$+($nick,.,$chan)) > 1 ) && ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Kick) == 0 ) && ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Ban) == 1 ) {      
          .ban $+(-u,$readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Bantime)) $chan $nick $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Reason ) $calc( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Bantime) / 60 ) Minutes
          /msg $chan $nick $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Reason ) Banned $calc( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Bantime) / 60 ) Minutes. Badword: $hfind(badwords,$gettok($1-,%x,32),1,W)    
          hdel badwordswarn $+($nick,.,$chan)       
      ;;no warn;;  
      if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Warn) == 0 ) {    
        ;;;no warn kick;;;     
        if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Kick) == 1 ) && ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Ban) == 0 ) {     
          .kick $chan $nick $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Reason Badword: $hfind(badwords,$gettok($1-,%x,32),1,W) ) 
        ;;;no warn kickban    
        elseif ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Kick) == 0 ) && ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Ban) == 1 ) {     
          .ban $+(-ku,$readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Bantime)) $chan $nick $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Reason ) Banned: $calc( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Bantime) / 60 ) Minutes Badword: $hfind(badwords,$gettok($1-,%x,32),1,W)     
    inc %x 

If u dont swap to the other threads alias now i fixed it, then you might like to look at this code below, its the same as above but with the repeditive code removed.

alias -l check.for.ban {   
  var %x 1  
  while ( %x <= $numtok($1-,32) ) {  
    if ( $hfind(badwords,$gettok($1-,%x,32),1,W) != $null ) {        
      if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Warn) == 1 ) {
        hinc -m badwordswarn $+($nick,.,$chan)     
        if ( $hget(badwordswarn,$+($nick,.,$chan)) == 1 ) {       
          msg $chan $nick $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Warnmsg ) Badword: $hfind(badwords,$gettok($1-,%x,32),1,W)
      ;;;no warning needed OR warning now over 1 so check for kick/bans'
      if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Warn) == 0 ) || ( $hget(badwordswarn,$+($nick,.,$chan)) > 1 ) {
        if ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Kick) == 1 ) && ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Ban) == 0 ) {     
          .kick $chan $nick $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Reason Badword: $hfind(badwords,$gettok($1-,%x,32),1,W) )
          hadd -m badwordswarn . | hdel badwordswarn $+($nick,.,$chan)
        elseif ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Kick) == 0 ) && ( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Ban) == 1 ) {     
          .ban $+(-ku,$readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Bantime)) $chan $nick $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"), Badwords, Reason ) Banned: $calc( $readini($+(",$scriptdirsettings.ini,"),Badwords,Bantime) / 60 ) Minutes Badword: $hfind(badwords,$gettok($1-,%x,32),1,W)
          hadd -m badwordswarn . | hdel badwordswarn $+($nick,.,$chan)
    inc %x 

* i use "hadd -m badwordswarn . | hdel badwordswarn $+($nick,.,$chan)" and not just "hdel badwordswarn $+($nick,.,$chan)" becuase if there is no badwordswarn hashtable a hdel well error, so i ensure table exists using a hadd (i could have checekd it with an if but im lazy!)