I dont need any credit thanks, but i did just notice that the add display timer i forgot to set back to 600 secs, its set at 60 seconds still.

/alias FSSETUP var %I,%T,%C,%D,%M,%W,%S = $(%S,) | %I = FServer Setup $crlf Please enter the | %T = $$?=" %I Trigger" | %C = $$?=" %I Channels (sepearte with spaces)" | %D = $$?=" %I HomeDirectory" | %M = $$?=" %I MaxGets" | write -c fserve.mrc #FSERVE off | %W = write fserve.mrc | %W $+(ctcp *:,%T,:?:fserve $!nick %M %D) | %W alias FSA tokenize 32 %C $(|,) msg $!* [Fserve Active] - Triggers:[ /ctcp $!me %T ] - Message:[ HomeDirectory Files ] | %W #FSERVE end | %W alias FS var %S = $!iif($group(#FSERVE).status == on,off,on) $(|,) if ($$?!="Turn FServer %S ") $({,) $!replace(%S,on,.enable,off,.disable) #FSERVE $(|,) .timer.FSA $!replace(%S,on,-r,off,-p) 0 600 FSA $(|,) $!replace(%S,on,FSA,off,) $(},) | load -rs fserve.mrc | if ($?!="To Start or Stop the FServer just type /FS $crlf Run /FS now?") { FS }

^ that ones back to 600 ( it was down at 60 so i could test it displayed i wasnt going to wait 10 mins )