Thanks, I'd prefer to dop it by disabling groups but I just cant work it out.

For example, I put together a test script to try and get it working:

if (%quietbot == 1) { .disable group1 }

#group1 on

On 1:TEXT:test:#:/msg $chan Testing
On 1:TEXT:quiet:#:/msg $chan Quiet mode on | /set %quietbot 1

#group1 end

Now, what should happen, is when I type quiet in the channel, group1 should disable and no longer run, however, I cant get it to work frown

[23:00] <Me> test
[23:00] <Bot> Testing
[23:00] <Me> quiet
[23:00] <Bot> Quiet mode on
[23:00] <Me> test
[23:00] <Bot> Testing

As you can see, even after quiet has run, and %quietbot is set to 1, the group still runs.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong? I'd apreciate any help