Please give me some idea, how to work on this script .

on *:text:*whowas*:?: {
if ($nick == TOM) { /whowas $2 }
raw 302:*: { /msg $nick $1- }

just because TOM he don't have power to do one /whowas command, that why i want to make this script, if nick == TOM, thi` my BOT going to do /whowas
after that, will send what ever the whowas is back to TOM .

On my chatserver, when i do the /whowas, it will come out like this .

" Jimmy was * IRC MIRC
Jimmy using chatserver3 Fri Mar 25 02:59:59 2005
End of WHOWAS "

how can i send that all 3 line back to TOM
i try to make raw, but it alway error

thanks alot