Ok, let's see if this clears anything up. When I do a /links I store the info in a custom @links window. It will list all servers currently linked. In my servers.ini file I have a list of servers that not always matches the custom @links window. When I join a server I put the numeric version of the server in my server list (sometimes I can only connect via the numeric addrress of the server). So in my servers.ini file I have a list of servers including some numeric server addresses that would never appear in my @links window. Now, when I manually update my server.ini file list (using the ALT + O menu), I compare what's in my INI vs the @links window. If the server is in the links window and my ini file, I leave it alone cause it's supposed to be there. If the server is NOT in my INI file I add it. If the server in the INI file is NOT in the @links window, I change the group name (in the ALT + O --> Connect --> Servers list)from the "network specific" to old (example: from dalnet to old or from efnet to old). This way, I have 2 groups in my servers.ini file; current servers (denoted by network name in the group field) and servers not linked at the time of /links (where I use the group name of old to show that while they WERE linked at one time, they're not currently linked to my chat network). I dont want to get rid of the old servers just because they're currently not linked.

Does this clear things up?

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