Greetings Tidy_Trax,

You suggested I try the following formats:

topic1 { scon 1 Topic % $+ Room1 % $+ defaultopic }
topic2 { scon 2 Topic #channel2 whatever topic }
topic3 { scon 3 Topic #LocalHaunt % $+ defaultopic }

I've tried each and every variation on your suggestions, none of them work.

%RoomX matches that channel name #Whatever
%defaultopic is the default we want to include for each chan.

topic1a { scon 1 Topic % $+ Room1 % $+ defaultopic }
topic1b { scon 1 Topic #MyRoom1 whatever topic }
topic1c { scon 1 Topic #MyRoom1 % $+ defaultopic }

I repeated and tested your suggestion also on Scon 2, 3, 4 with the adjustment of #MyRoomX and %RoomX. None of those suggestions worked.

Any further suggestions on what might work?