I don't use VS, I have CodeWarrior. I set the #defines for these resources myself (there's no visual editor, so I edit the .rc file myself), sometimes I have IDD_ABOUT set to 100 and sometimes to 123 and sometimes to any random number (just to make sure it's not the resource ID that's making the problem), so, I define IDD_ABOUT and use it in DialogBox(). This is probably not the problem.

What's weird is, when I called GetLastError() after the Dialog Failed, it returned 0, which is "Operation completed successfully". I don't really know what's wrong.


Well, I found something interesting. I had a "LIBRARY" line in my .def file like:


I removed that and now I'm getting an error number of 1814, which is:

The specified resource name cannot be found in the image file.

What image file? I already have a #define IDD_ABOUT 1000
at the top of my DLL.

Last edited by Goblin; 05/03/05 01:29 AM.