Not sure if this is a bug or Im just seeing it wrong but here goes. Im writing a script that tracks nicks and their hosts. Im dinking around and I have a entry
sssss *!*
in a hashtable Now I go to try to get that info and I use $hfind
//echo -a $hfind(NickTracker,*!*,0)
Echos 0, now I think well maybe the thing didnt go in right but when I do
//echo -a $hfind(NickTracker,*!*,1)
I get the insufficent parameters so I add data to the end
//echo -a $hfind(NickTracker,*!*,1).data
and I get sssss
Shouldnt the 0 come up with 1? saying I have one entry with that in it? Or am i just seeing this wrong?